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The company's labor union held the fourth quarter work meeting

Post time: 2023-10-22 12:04:41 Source: Trade Union Page views: 2176

    On the morning of October 20, the company's trade union held a fourth quarter work meeting in the Hefei New West Station project Department, the head of the trade union of the affiliated units and all the staff of the company's trade union participated in the meeting, the company's deputy inspector Li Kuanxu attended the meeting and made a speech。     

    The meeting conveyed the spirit of the 18th National Congress of Chinese Trade unions, and the meeting pointed out that the 18th National Congress of Chinese Trade unions is a very important conference held at a crucial moment when China is on a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and march toward the second centennial goal。All trade union workers should fully understand the significance of the 18th National Congress of China's trade unions, deeply understand the spiritual connotation of the congress, and study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of China's trade unions as a major political task at present and in the future。

    The first branch of the New West Station 10#, 12# resettlement site project department and the third branch of the Feixi 35 plot project respectively on the "No. 3 joint creation" and labor competition activities made an exchange of experience。The company's trade union has made arrangements for the key work of the trade union in the fourth quarter。              
    李宽旭强调,一要提高政治站位,把学习贯彻落实中国工会十八大精神与学习习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述相结合,在全面学习、全面把握、全面落实上下功夫,把智慧和力量凝聚到大会确定的目标任务上来。Second, it is necessary to clarify the focus of work, closely focus on the company's central work, further clarify the work ideas, clarify the time node, and actively carry out the "100-day battle" special labor competition to ensure the completion of the annual goals and tasks。

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